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The authors argue that while it seems like the climate change catastrophe is rolling on unchecked, governmental and international action are insufficient, and corporate power continues to hold back progress, the incredible advances that have been made since 2010 have already taken the direst scenarios of 4-8 degrees centigrade of warming off the table. They argue that if this is what could be accomplished in 10ish years with market, individual, NGO, and community forces and technological advances, now that governments (and some businesses) are gettng more serious (and technology continues to drop prices and raise efficiencies), far more progress is in the near future. Hence "We WILL fix climate change!". Not to say that there won't continue to be damages, but we are well on the way to taming their expansion and repairing some of them. There is an extended discussion of doomism and despair and how that really only helps the biggest emitters and fossil companies who benefit if people are too disengaged or depressed to do anything about it (they may even promote it...).
GeoGirl has a lot of interesting stuff which include slides and infographics, not just a talking head. She has posted several in recent months on oceans and climate change, and other climate change aspects. I am only including one here for simplicity, but definitely check out the others, if that's your kind of thing. She also has a website at and is on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Hi! My name is Rachel, I post educational geoscience videos. Whether you studying for an exam, or just someone interested in geoscience and related fields, there is something for you on this channel!
About me: I earned my PhD in geoscience at UTEP and now work as an NSF postdoctoral fellow at the University of South Carolina!
The books and references I use for my videos are always linked in the individual video descriptions :)
blockquote paragrph